Publications 2014

Compromised motor control in children with DCD: A deficit in the internal model?- A systematic review

A viable hypothesis to explain the compromised motor ability of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) suggests a fundamental deficit in their ability to utilize internal models for motor control. Dysfunction in this mode of control is thought to compromise their motor learning capabilities. The aim of this systematic review is to examine the available evidence for the internal modeling deficit (IMD) hypothesis. A systematic review using five databases identified 48 relevant articles. These studies were categorized according to the effector system involved in the evaluation of motor control and were evaluated for methodological quality. In most papers, DSM-IV-TR criteria for the classification of DCD were not completely fulfilled and possible attentional problems not accounted for. Results showed compromised control of overt and covert eye movements, dynamic postural control, manual control for tasks that vary in complexity, and for motor imagery of manual and whole-body postures. Importantly, this review shows support for general hypothesis that deficits of predictive control manifest in DCD across effector systems.