
EACD congres Stockholm - 1-4 Juni

Van 1 tot 4 juni gaan zeven onderzoekers van de onderzoeksgroep Beweging in Zicht naar het EACD congres in Stockholm.  Zij zullen hier verschillende presentaties geven, en is o.a. een mini-symposium over action-observation training. De volgende presentaties worden gegeven door onze onderzoeksgroep:

- Van Abswoude, F., van de Kamp, J., Steenbergen, B. Is working memory associated with explicit learning in children with low motor abilities? – Mondelinge presentatie

- Adams, I.L.J., Ferguson, G., Lust, J.M., Steenbergen, B., Smits-Engelsman, B.C.M. Action planning and position sense in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder - Poster presentatie

- Adams, I.L.J., Steenbergen, B., Lust, J.M., Smits-Engelsman, B.C.M. Motor imagery training in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) - Mondelinge presentatie

- Cioni, G., Steenbergen, B., Sgandurra, G., Basu, A., Vicari, S. Action-Observation Training: a new approach for rehabilitation of motor disorders in children. - mini-symposium

- Lust, J., van Schie, H., van der Helden, J., Wilson, P., Steenbergen, B. Neural mechanisms supporting observational motor learning in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder - an EEG study - Mondelinge presentatie

- Lust, J., Spruijt, S., Wilson, P., Steenbergen, B. Development of motor planning in children with cerebral palsy - a longitudinal approach - Poster presentatie

- Reddihough, D., Van Der Burg, J., Van Hulst, K., Baker, L., Jongerius, P., Reid, S. Improving saliva control – a multidisciplinary approach to assessment and management from the Australian and Dutch teams.  Mini-symposium

- Zielinski, I.M., Steenbergen, B., Aarts, P., Green., D., & Jongsma, M.L.A. Developmental Disregard in children with unilateral Cerebral Palsy is accompanied by a lack of movement related mu-suppression - Mondelinge presentatie